Journey Groups

All of us have been shaped and formed by our experiences on the journey of life.


Journey Groups offer biblical teaching and authentic community designed to encourage you to examine how your story impacts your relationship with God, others and yourself.


What Does The Journey Involve?


Each session will begin with a teaching time using the Journey Guide (30 minutes) followed with small groups lead by Journey Group Facilitators (90 minutes).


You will receive a participant’s Journey Guide that focuses on a better understanding of your personal journey with weekly assignments to discuss in your small group.


Facilitators will walk through the process with you sharing their story first and encouraging others in a safe group environment.


You will be in the same small group each week, building trust and relationships with the other participants.

Still wondering if Journey Group

is right for you?

Listen to this podcast (click on the image below):



Starting this Spring semester, Men's Group will begin March 6, 2025. Dates are as followed:

March 6

March 8 (Saturday morning)

March 13

March 20

April 10

April 12 (Saturday morning)

April 17

April 24

May 1

May 8.

6:30 – 8:30 p.m.


Space is limited – Register Early

Registration fee of $50 includes: 12 session Journey Guide. Journey alumni can register for $25 using your manual from a past course.


For questions about Journey Groups or to obtain a registration packet contact: Troy Heller or Mike & Lois Nelson