Join New Cov
If you’ve been considering membership at New Cov or want to learn more about our church, we invite you to attend Join New Cov. Each session includes two classes and will give you the information you need to decide if membership is the right next step for you. Pastors Chris and Troy will share about New Cov’s history, mission, beliefs, and God’s vision for our future, as well as what it means to become a member.
The first session will be on Sundays, January 26 & February 2, from 11:00AM to noon in the Meeting Room next to the church offices.
The second session will be held on Wednesdays, February 19 & 26, from 6:30-7:30 PM downstairs in Room 101.
Register using one of the links below.
Celebrating Katie Smith
We hope you’ll stay after the service on Sunday, January 26, to help us celebrate and honor Katie Smith! Please stop by the North Auditorium (Flipside) anytime between 11:00 and 12:30 to have a snack, give Katie a hug, and bring a note of thanks.
Small Groups
Looking for a way to connect? Small groups provide a chance to engage with Bible study content, encourage one another through discussion, and support each other in prayer. We are currently forming weekly and bi-weekly small groups that will begin in February and last through April.
If you’d like help finding a small group, click the link below.
Our next Baptism Sunday will be February 16th. If you are interested in being baptized or just want to learn more about it, reach out to one of our pastors, or connect with us using the link below.
Men's Chili Feed
Guys, it's cold outside and that means it's Chili Feed time! Join us on February 7th from 6:30 to 8:30 in the North Auditorium. You can choose to compete for Best Traditional, Hottest Edible, or Best Non-Traditional chili, so dust off those recipes! The competition is optional, so if cooking is not your thing, don’t worry, there will be plenty of chili and cinnamon rolls for everyone, and the chance to walk away having met some of the great guys here at New Cov.
Help us know how many to plan for by registering using the link below.
Men's Journey Groups
This is a men's small group starting up in March. Learn more using the link below.
Women's Bunco Night
Ladies high school and older, join us for a night of games, snacks, and connection! No skill or previous knowledge of Bunco required. It’s easy and fun and the perfect activity to build community. Friends are welcome! Register using the link below.
Friday, February 21
6:30-8:30 PM
North Auditorium
Women's Bible Studies
On Monday nights, from 7-8:30, Marilyn Peaslee is leading a study called "Breath as Prayer," by Jennifer Tucker. This study will run 6 weeks and began on January 13th.
On Thursday nights, from 6-7:30, Laura Stunkel leads a study on the Beatitudes, in the Gospel of Matthew. This is a 6-7 week study that began on January 9th.
There is also a Tuesday morning Bible study that runs continuously throughout the year. Their new study is on the book of Revelation. This group meets from 10:30am-noon and Mary Hamilton and Patti Lamphere lead.
The MomCo
The MomCo is a ministry to equip and encourage moms with kids of all ages. We meet twice per month on Monday mornings during the school year from 9-11 am in the Flipside. Childcare is provided. There is a registration fee to MomCo international, but no cost for childcare.
Contact Abby Lantis at or Christi Berrier at if you have questions or want to get connected!
Adult Connections Class: Book of Acts Bible Study
Connections is our Sunday morning adult Bible study class. It is taught by gifted teachers and exists to help adults grow in their understanding of scripture and to provide a place where visitors and new members to New Cov can experience community until they get connected in a small group.
Connections Class meets in the conference room at 11:00am.
Connect at New Cov
Finding your place and connecting with others is an essential part of our mission - to connect through Authentic Relationships that help us grow in Genuine Faith, and together, make a Meaningful Impact through the work of the Gospel.
CREW is our mid-week ministry for K-5th grade students that meets during the school year. It stands for Create, Relate, Engage, Worship. We meet from 6:30-8PM each Wednesday throughout the school year.
Check out other dates via our kids page. Friends are always welcome!
High School Youth Group
High school Wednesday night Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 pm weekly throughout the school year in the Flipside.
Middle School Youth Group
We meet in the Flipside on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm weekly throughout the school year.
Winter weather in Nebraska can be unpredictable, so if you find yourself wondering if we will be meeting at New Cov during bad weather, here’s where to look:
Our staff will watch conditions closely, but typically our intent is to stay open. Factors that could lead to a closure are icy conditions or the lack of access to the parking lot due to drifting, etc.
That said, please use discretion, and remember our Sunday service is streamed online if you decide not to venture out!
Builders for Christ
Builders for Christ is an organized group of churches that come together every summer to do mission work constructing church facilities for existing Christian congregations that are actively telling their communities about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. To learn about this summer’s trip, contact Craig Zachariasen at Learn more about Builders for Christ at