Meet New Cov
New here? Join us September 15 for Meet New Cov. Between services, from about 10:10-10:35 am, Come by the Café area. Meet some of our staff, hear a bit about New Cov, and learn some ways that you and your family can connect.
This is designed for anyone who has been attending a short time and would like to learn more about our church. Come hang out for a few minutes.
Women's Soup Night
Ladies! You do not want to miss the annual Women’s Soup Night Sunday, September 29th in the Flipside at 5:30PM. This is for women high school age and older. If you would like to bring a soup, salad or dessert, sign up below.
There will be voting, and a prize for “Best Soup.” We will also spend some time that evening hearing from a few women on how to keep our relationship with God fresh and growing.
The MomCo
The MomCo is a ministry to equip and encourage moms with kids of all ages! We meet twice per month on Monday mornings during the school year from 9-11 am in the Flipside. Childcare is provided. There is a registration fee to MomCo international, but no cost for childcare.
Contact Abby Lantis at or Christi Berrier at if you have questions or want to get connected!
Adult Connections Class: Book of Acts Bible Study
Connections is our Sunday morning adult Bible study class. It is taught by gifted teachers and exists to help adults grow in their understanding of scripture and to provide a place where visitors and new members to New Cov can experience community until they get connected in a small group.
Starting Sunday, July 7th, the Connections class began a study through the book of Acts, with the purpose of learning how to apply Peter and Paul's missionary efforts in our own lives. Connections Class is conducted at 9:00am during our morning worship service in the conference room.
Small Groups
Life was meant to be done in community. We are convinced that joining a group is the best way to get to know others and feel connected in our spiritual journeys. We have a variety of small group Bible studies that run for seasons during the year and will begin the week of September 18. You can find a current listing of our groups here. We also have a number of ministry teams that function year-round and can be joined at any time. If you want help getting connected, use the link below to let us know you are interested in a group.
CREW is our mid-week ministry for K-5th grade students that meets during the school year! It stands for Create, Relate, Engage, Worship. During the first semester we will be meeting one Wednesday and one Friday each month, from 6:30-8PM. We will meet Wednesday, September 11; Friday, September 27; Wednesday, October 9; Friday, October 18; Wednesday, November 6 and Friday, November 22. Registration is not required, but it is helpful! Friends are always welcome!
High School Youth Group
High school Wednesday night Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30 pm weekly throughout the school year in the Flipside.
Middle School Youth Group
We meet in the Flipside on Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm weekly throughout the school year.
Fall Refugee Family opportunity
The last few months have presented some challenges to resettling a new refugee family. Thankfully, it looks like there will be an opportunity in September. In preparation for welcoming them, we need to collect furnishings for an apartment. A preliminary sign-up that details some of the items we need can be found here. As we learn more about the family we will be helping, that list will be updated to reflect mor accurate needs. One thing that has changed since helping previous families is that all mattresses and bed frames need to be brand new. If you would like to give towards the purchase of beds or other household items, you can do so here. Thank you for helping is welcome a new family to Lincoln.