Governing Board Nominations

What is the governing board? And how does the Governing Board serve New Covenant Community Church?


The Governing Board serves the Body of Christ by providing servant- leadership, support, insight, advisement, and accountability to keep New Covenant Community Church functioning in a healthy, Biblical manner, and to fulfill God’s vision, goals, and objectives of the church. The Governing Board consists of seven (7) members in addition to the Lead Pastor (ex officio).

Governing Board Qualifications


Candidates eligible to serve on the Governing Board must meet the following requirements:

  • A devoted disciple of Jesus whose life bears evidence of their commitment to Jesus and His church
  • A person of good reputation, well-respected both inside and outside the church
  • Demonstrates Christlikeness and consistency in character, integrity, and spiritual-maturity, modeling Christlikeness in speech, actions, and relationships.
  • Devoted to spiritual growth through a consistent devotional and prayer life, who knows the Scriptures, and can defend what they believe and why they believe it
  • A member of New Covenant Community Church, in good standing, for at least three (3) years, fully embracing and committed to the vision, mission, and values of New Cov
  • Faithfully and consistently involved in church-life, regularly attending worship services and large-group gatherings, while also actively participating in Biblical community
  • Generously invests in the Body of Christ relationally and financially, and who actively serves the Body of Christ and the (Gospel) Mission of Christ


Essential Responsibilities:


The Governing Board assists, supports, and holds accountable the Lead Pastor, serving alongside staff to Care for, Serve, and help Lead and Shepherd the Church.

  • Pay close attention to their life, teaching, and conduct (1 Tim. 4:16), governing themselves by holding each member accountable to expectations, and doing so in a manner of integrity and transparency
  • Prioritize attendance of monthly meetings and special-called meetings, maintaining availability and responsibility to one another and the interests and needs of New Cov
  • Diligently and collectively monitor the ministry performance, conduct, and character of the Senior Pastor, providing encouragement, support, speaking truthfulness, and when necessary, defending or carrying out corrective measures
  • Support staff and advise in staffing decisions with respect to the leadership of the Lead Pastor
  • Lead with emphasis on the following principles:
  • Outward vision rather than internal preoccupation
  • Strategic leadership rather than administrative management
  • Collectively rather than individually
  • Future-focused over past or present
  • Proactively rather than reactively
  • Allow space for healthy disagreement, and arrive at decisions in consensus, acting as a whole. Members do not act independently but in unison
  • Protect the unity of the church and the Governing Board by fiercely
  • guarding against descent, gossip, and triangulation, while respecting confidentiality
  • Mediate conflict with a priority on reconciliation and restoration
  • Be devoted to prayer and the study of Scripture, while continually seeking wisdom and guidance to serve the Body of Christ through Godly leadership.
  • Responsible for appointing Corporate Team (ArticleVI) Personnel Team members, while appointing/approving ministry teams such as staff search teams when needed
  • Follow and abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of New Covenant Community Church as prescribed by Article V, including the administering of business meetings, and supporting and mediating membership processes

Governing Board Selection Process


In accordance with the Bylaws of New Covenant Community Church (Articles IV and V), the following process serves to guide the prayerful selection of members from within the church body who are both qualified and called to serve on the Governing Board.

  • Nomination: Members can submit nominations on paper forms (available in the church lobby) or online using the links on this page.
    • Members should not consult with the person they are nominating, but instead give prayerful consideration to the individual and their qualifications to be nominated.
  • Screening: All nominees will be initially screened by the Governing Board to ensure requirements for nomination are met.
    • Nominees that are selected will be contacted by the Governing Board to inform them of their nomination and next steps should they choose to accept the nomination.
  • Interview: Interviews will be conducted with the Governing Board and the nominees. Nominees are also asked to provide references.
  • Affirmation Process: Nominees that are selected for recommendation to the Governing Board will be presented asCandidates, at which time, the church body will be asked to provide feedback, express concerns or submit questions.
    • If, after 14 days there are no objections or further concerns that would disqualify the candidates from serving on the Governing Board, Candidates will then be presented back to the church body for affirmation.

Additional Guidelines:

  • The Governing Board consists of seven (7) members and the Lead Pastor (ex officio).
  • Members serve a full term (3 years) with an option to serve a second term. Members may only serve two (2) consecutive terms and must leave the board for at least one (1) three-year cycle.
  • No staff member other than the Lead Pastor is eligible to serve on the Governing Board.
  • A Governing Board Member may be removed from office upon a two- thirds vote of the remaining Governing Board Members. Any such changes must be reported immediately to the congregation