Parking Lot Project

Pledged so far: $400,000


In 2023, New Covenant Leadership appointed a team to begin assessing costs and scope of work for needed improvements to sidewalks, entrances, parking, and traffic flow, along with some aesthetic improvements. While the fire on May 4th has delayed the presentation of this proposal, we believe now is the right time to move forward with this project.


The scope of the project includes the following (also see image below):

  • Replacing all sidewalks, including regrading and improving accessibility of all entrances
  • Repaving the entire parking lot with concrete, including the graveled parking areas
  • Improving traffic flow on lower level for New Cov Kids entrance
  • Addition of a second entry/exit on Foxtail Dr., including widening the existing entry/exit
  • New lighting that covers the entire parking area
  • Landscaping along 84th St. to meet zoning requirements
  • New street and parking lot signage
  • Relocating the existing detached garage
  • New Cov is in the process of receiving bids. The project would be proportioned in stages to minimize disruptions to weekly activities on campus and the restoration and renovation work on the south side.


If you have questions email!



Although our bylaws do not require a vote to begin this project, a start date is contingent on the congregation’s affirmation and willingness to help assist financially (see Financing the Project below). From start to finish, the project should take 3 months to complete.


Financing the Project:

The Corporate Team has advised, with approval from the Governing Board, that New Covenant will provide a total of $400,000 from savings and investment accounts to initially fund the project.


Total Projected Cost: $1,100,000
To be initially paid by New Cov: $400,000

Total ask: $700,000


While there are financing options for the amount needed to be raised, it is our priority to emerge from both the restoration/renovation and parking lot projects debt free. This will allow us to continue to stay on mission as a generously giving church for the sake of advancing the Gospel both near and far.



We ask that you prayerfuly consider making a pledge, along with indication how you plan to contribute (i.e.: Monthly, One-Time). Click the 'Pledge' button below to get started.


If you are ready to make a donation towards the project today, you can use the Donation button at the top of the page.